

Information on Tokyo one-stop biz center foreigner seminar

Tsuruno of our representative as well as Koike Yuriko Tokyo Governor takes charge of a seminar lecturer!

We’ll hold Tokyo opening one-stop center foreigner seminar on Thursday, May 18, 2017 in Tokyo-to.

I’ll explain about charm of a business in Tokyo and aid package to a foreigner entrepreneur by Tokyo-to, etc. targeted for the foreigners aiming at flotation in Tokyo now by this seminar.

Koike Yuriko Tokyo Governor will tell you charm in Tokyo, and you’re planning to speak about a story of the experiences from the foreigner entrepreneur who started new business in Tokyo actually.
Tsuruno will explain in English as a lecturer here.

I’m also preparing a meet-the-people session with a foreigner entrepreneur and a use experience meeting at Tokyo opening one-stop center after the seminar.
Please participate by all means.

Please refer to the following details.